Civilization VI: Great Negotiators Pack Now Available
Following last week's announcement of Civilization VI: Leader Pass, a new season pass that adds 18 new playable leader selections to Civilization VI, the first DLC pack - Great Negotiators - is now available!
In the Great Negotiator's Pack: Test your diplomacy skills with the Great Negotiators Pack, including Abraham Lincoln (United States), Queen Nzinga Mbande (Kongo), and Sultan Saladin (Arabia). Here are some specific details about the Leaders themselves:
Abraham Lincoln (United States)
Lincoln catapulted the United States into the industrial age and presided over the Union victory in the American Civil War. His new abilities speak to these accomplishments, as does his Preserver of the Union agenda, which results in him only liking Civilizations with the same form of Government.
New Ability: Emancipation Proclamation
- (Base game) Industrial Zones and their buildings give +2 Amenities but your Plantations give -1 Amenities.
(Rise and Fall & Gathering Storm DLCs) Industrial Zones give +3 Loyalty per turn but your Plantations give -2 Loyalty. - (Base game) Receive a free Melee unit after constructing Industrial Zones and their buildings. The free unit does not require resources when created or to maintain and receives +5 Combat Strength.
(Rise and Fall & Gathering Storm DLCs) Receive a free Melee unit and an Amenity after constructing Industrial Zones and their buildings. The free unit does not require resources when created or to maintain and receives +5 Combat Strength.
Queen Mbande Nzinga (Kongo)
Given her historical dealings with the Portuguese, it's fitting that Mbande Nzinga has a Decolonization agenda. As such, she likes Civilizations who stick to one continent but dislikes Civilizations with cities on multiple continents.
New Ability: Queen of Matamba and Ndongo
- +5 Combat Strength against Civilization's whose capital is on a different continent.
- Trade Routes to receive +20% Yields with Civilizations whose home continents are the same as yours, but -15% to Trade Routes to other Civilizations.
Sultan Saladin (Arabia)
The existing Civilization VI leader Vizier Saladin can construct religious buildings for a fraction of the usual Faith cost, and dislikes leaders who follow other Religions. Sultan Saladin, on the other hand, receives bonuses for all of his Combat and Religious units, and dislikes leaders who wage war on followers of his Religion.
New Ability: The Victorious Military
- +100% Flanking and Support Bonus to all Combat and Religious units.
To view the First Look at The Great Negotiators click the image below
Civilization VI: Leader Pass content will be delivered via six DLC packs scheduled for release from November 21, 2022 through March 2023* on Windows PC via Steam and Epic, MacOS via Steam and the Mac App Store, and iOS via the App Store. For more details on Civilization VI: Leader Pass, visit www.civilization.com.
* Estimated release dates, subject to change. Leader Pass content will be automatically delivered in-game as it is released
Note: Base game required to access Civilization VI: Leader Pass Great Negotiators content. Base game required to access Civilization VI: Leader Pass content. Some prior DLC required to play some content included in the Leader Pass.